Here I describe my work in two broad strokes: 1) perceptual organization with a focus on grouping cues in adaptive distortions in perception, and 2) perception of facial expressions.
- Perceptual Organization
- Adaptive Distortions
- Audio-visual ensemble coding of crowd perception. In collaboration with SPA lab here at DU, we investigated the interaction between the ensemble representation of the heard clips and the seen crowds.
- Perceptual grouping by element feature inducing perceptual averaging.
- Poster presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society and Vision Sciences Society, 2022-2023.
- Published at Vision Research Journal, 2024
- Below is a fun version of a range slider I created for the "grouping" experiments I ran at DU. I wrote the scripts that run in HTML and JavaScript (using jsPsych libraries) so that these experiments ran online and in-person.
- Serial dependence based on the grouping cues. An ongoing work. We investigated if grouping cues mediate the serial dependence in aspect ratio judgments involving structure-from-motion (just like the clouds of dots demo above). More details will be provided very soon.
- Center-surround antagonism in receptive field sizes of visual neurons.
- Some time ago, I wrote a post about this work:
- Published at NeuroImage Journal, 2020
- Codes for the MT & MST Motion Localizer for neuroimaging can be obtained from here (redirects to github).
- Emotion Perception
- Contextual perception of emotional faces in dynamic crowds. Abstract submitted to VSS 2025 (link).
- Visual search involving happy and sad schematic faces. An ongoing work that investigates the components of self-reported anxiety measures and visual search and psychometric fitting of happy and sad judgments. More details will be provided very soon.
- Investigation of face parts encoding in judgments of anger and happiness using AI generated faces. We collected over 6,000 participants' ratings of anger and happiness in response to a total set of 4,000 images of faces. We are investigating if ratings can be explained by certain combinations of encoding of facial parts (e.g., tilt of the eyebrow, curvature of the mouth, etc). More details will be provided very soon.